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Test and Learn in Government

Working alongside leaders and inside teams, we reshape public institutions and change how public services are delivered to citizens.

We bring our experience as senior public servants who have successfully led the digital transformation of governments around the world, sharing how to build mandates for change and overcome the obstacles preventing reform.

This includes building new digital capabilities inside government, and changing how major policy programmes are delivered to reduce risk, increase impact and achieve better value for money.

Andrew Greenway portrait
Andrew Greenway, author of The Radical How
The Radical How
The Radical How

What we do

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    We help public service organisations define their overarching digital strategy and secure political and senior stakeholder backing.

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    We design and blueprint new digital units capable of leading reform and transformation, and lead fundamental reform of old institutions.

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    We design new public services in complex problem spaces to best meet citizens’ needs.

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    We review, redesign, and enable successful delivery of critical large-scale policy programmes.

Meet the team

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Our experience

We have unrivalled experience as global leaders who have successfully transformed government institutions and major social programmes.

From 2011-2015, we founded and scaled the UK’s Government Digital Service, which radically improved public services while saving £4 billion for taxpayers.

We now work with organisations including central government departments, arms-length bodies and local/provincial governments.

Our experience means we can provide unique insights into solving the practical and strategic challenges public servants face when driving change at scale in complex political environments.

We have advised government organisations in the UK, USA, Nigeria, Australia, Canada, Peru, Madagascar, Japan, Estonia, Scotland, Iceland, Uruguay, Wales, Argentina, Denmark, Mexico, and Ukraine.

We convene important global conversations around digital government and organise and sponsor the Future of Government Awards.