
Ways of working on a list

Internet-era ways of working

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Empowered teams make services faster

Empowered teams make services better, faster

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Radical org change, incremental delivery change

Radical org change, incremental delivery change

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Ideo Palo Alto

We've partnered with IDEO

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Government as a platform: an overview

Making government as a platform real

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Emma Gawen and her team

Building beacons in Peru

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assisted digital support

I should have renamed "assisted digital"

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Idb report cover

Making transformation last

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Summer cto reading list

Reading list for Internet-era CTOs

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PD map of July

Three-month note, July 2018

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Act of tunking mural

The generous act of tunking

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Harvard public digital event

Platforms, agile, trust, teams and werewolves

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