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Our charitable donations 2024

A few years ago we formed a tradition of donating to charity at Christmas.

While it began as an alternative to giving out Christmas gifts to our clients, this annual tradition has evolved into an important expression of who we are as a values-led organisation.

Previous recipients of donations over the last few years include Slum2SchoolMedecins Sans FrontieresForce of NatureCareTrade, Trussell Trust, Disasters Emergency Committee, Unicef, Plan International, Under One Sky and Women’s Aid.

Once again in 2024, we asked the team at Public Digital to nominate causes and two were chosen which we feel reflect PD and our scope of work, both at home and overseas. 

The charities we are supporting are:

Good Things Foundation : this organisation is dedicated to fixing the digital divide, helping people to access the internet and technology. 

Hope Behind Bars Africa: is a Nigerian-based charity focused on providing access to justice to the economically vulnerable who are unfairly treated by the justice system. 

As donations are funded from our profits, as we grow, so does the level of our support, and this year we are thrilled to be able to give away donations amounting to £25,000, divided evenly between our chosen charities.

We look forward to continuing to support organisations doing transformative public purpose work in 2025.

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