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Sickle Cell - Weeknote #11

Post it notes across a Miro board
A screenshot of everyone's thoughts at our prioritisation workshop

14 - 18 November 2022

What have we been up to this week?

This week has been all about debriefing and drawing conclusions from our workshop last Friday, and beginning to form our recommendations for what to focus on in the next phase of work.

We’ve had really useful conversations with Faith Walker, from the Friends of Cymru Sickle Cell and Thalassemia C.I.C., and Dr Gyles Morrison, who has worked on researching and prototyping personalised digital care plans for people with sickle cell previously.

We also met with a sickle cell advocate who helped shape this work with Carl (from the NHS Race and Health Observatory) and who has agreed to review our first draft, which is fantastic news. This is a really important part of making sure that we’re truly centring the voices of people with lived experience.

Beyond that, we’ve had our heads down working on the first full draft of our report which we’ll be sharing next week!

As always, to get in touch email [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!