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Saw is a clinician and service design specialist who helps to transform the services of clients and the outcomes of those they aim to serve.

Combining clinical experience on the frontline of the NHS with her skills in service design and design thinking, Saw helps clients focus on user needs and the human elements of their service delivery. Supporting them in overcoming obstacles to change, Saw guides clients through the adoption of new, iterative methods of designing services, facilitating transformed outcomes for users and building long-lasting capabilities to ensure continuous improvement. With experience undertaking transformation healthcare and public sector settings, Saw is a specialist designing and implementing change in high-risk environments.

Saw supported our engagement with the Nottinghamshire Children Safeguarding Partnership, steering the redesign of their vital safeguarding service which ensures children and young people can access the help they need when they need it. Saw led the service design process, introducing new design methodologies in order to radically reshape the service. She facilitated the introduction of a multidisciplinary team, as well as new ways of working to deliver and continuously improve services.

She also steered our engagement with NHS Digital Mental Health, conducting user research to inform policy recommendations for the use of emerging technologies in mental health treatment. Her expertise in this field enabled her to ensure frontline voices and perspectives were taken into account when devising policy recommendations.

Prior to joining PD, Saw was an NHS clinician with experience working in primary and secondary care, including in acute and forensic mental health. She also holds a Masters in Healthcare and Design, and was a design associate at the Royal College of Art on a UKRI (UK Research and Innovation) funded project which used design to deliver Green Social Prescribing services for community health and wellbeing. Saw has undertaken extensive design research in maternal mental health, a project which formed the basis of her startup, Aloe Health.