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Occasionally: a week note that doesn't happen every week

    Lots going on this week, here’s a few highlights. At the start of the week we were in New York working on a project with IDEO. We met with some users and did some research on digital retail spaces.

    Digital retail spaces

    Andrew has been in Nova Scotia working with Natasha and her team to develop Nova Scotia’s digital strategy.

    Back in London, Simon started as our Operations Director and James has been helping a client in Peru recruit some technologists. Separately from Peru it was good to have a visit from the team at Laboratoria who help train and promote female tech talent in Latin America.

    It was good to see the blog post about Argentina’s Digital Services team get a mention in Benedict Evans’ newsletter. Emma has been working on the next edition of our newsletter as well as some of our own product work with Tom.

    Big week next week: most of us will be in Harvard where we are looking forward to meeting up with some of the best digital governments from around the world. We’ll write more about that after it’s happened.

    We put some posters up recently. The office is looking a bit brighter.

    Show the thing

    Here’s a photo of Tom trying out his new standing desk.

    The strategy is delivery

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